A little bit about me.
Hey folks my name is Nicole Renna, I am the owner of Invictus Fitness here in good ol' Austin, Texas! Bruonis asked me to share my expertise about fitness so hello and welcome to my blog! I will be joining you every Wednesday to share with you the latest and greatest information in the fitness world... motivational quotes, diet advice, random thoughts,workouts, tunes to sweat to.. anything that I find interesting really.
To share a little bit about my background, I played college soccer and rugby at the University of Oregon, have delt with injury and have been personal training for about 5 years now. I got into the field of training because I enjoy helping people, love being active, and was inspired by a strength coach that helped me through a tough injury while I was in college ( Thank you Coach Ginther). These days I enjoy playing soccer and hitting the gym regularly. I think its always good to have goals, and explore new challenges. Cycling is mine. Believe it or not, I don't know a thing about it. Going on my first road ride this week... wish me luck!
See you next week!!!
Nicole Renna/Invictus Fitness
If you wanna find out more about me visit www.invictusfit.com

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