20 October 2011

That's What I'm Talking About Thursday

In honor of National Tomboy Day being this week, here are 10 Warning Signs: "You May Be a Tomboy If..."

10. You may be a tomboy if you'd rather climb a tree or rock wall than go to the ballet.

9. You may be a tomboy if you drool while in the Nerf isle at the store.

8. You may be a tomboy if you live for the next live sports broadcast of your favorite team (heck, you're probably even going to the game).

7. You may be a tomboy if your favorite sports team loses and it ruins your week.

6. You may be a tomboy if you can belch with the best of 'em!

5. You may be a tomboy if it's raining outside and you think that means it's flag football time.

4. You may be a tomboy if your main eating utensils are your bare hands.

3. You may be a tomboy if you have the sweetest wheels on the block.

2. You may be a tomboy if you can change the sweetest wheels on the block.

1. You may be a tomboy if getting ready in the morning means closing your eyes, grabbing one of each of the types of the nearest Bruonis clothing items that you need for the day, throwing them on, and heading out the door to have your next adventure.

And That's What I'm Talking About!

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